- Latvian political activity in exile
- Use your imagination
- Create a catchy slogan
- Gather like-minded people
- Disturb societal norms
- Act quickly
- Get attention from the press
- Protest day-to-day
- Be prepared for legal consequences
- Teach the young
- What to wear
- Remain vigilant until your goal is achieved
- __________________
- About the exhibition
Demonstration slogans – whether shouted or painted on placards – must be meaningful and clever. The kind that makes you think and appreciate the courage, creativity, and sense of humour of the demonstrators.
When organising a demonstration, you need one or more enthusiastic leaders who are ready to speak in public – be the first to shout slogans, speak out, and read declarations and manifestos.
Placards and slogans used in political demonstrations and protests around the globe in the 1980s and early 1990s. Donated to Latvians Abroad Museum and Research Centre by BATUN (Baltic Appeal to the United Nations) and JBANC (Joint Baltic American National Committee), Marianna Auliciema, Inga Česlis, Iveta Ivansone, Ingrīda Meierovica, Ilgvars Ozols, Andris Rūtiņš, Vova Zvidriņš.
We gathered at the Latvian Welfare House the night before. We sat and made posters; the bar was full downstairs. We had to make 50 posters, and over time, inspiration began to run out. Vilnis Zaļkalns came up from the bar, and we called: “Vilni, come to our rescue. We need a few more catchy slogans! He spontaneously created the slogans: “Voss, where’s the meat?” and “Hugo-Pugo, shit’s coming!” The regular slogans were all used up. ‘Hugo-Pugo’ referred to Boriss Pugo, the then head of the Latvian SSR KGB. Dissidents were persecuted under his leadership. The poster “Voss, where’s the meat?” was dedicated to food shortages in Latvia. At the time, Latvia was required to supply the Leningrad region, so Latvia didn’t have meat. So, we dedicated this poster to Augusts Voss, the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee – where’s the meat?
Ģirts Zēgners